
dunkler frühling

May 3, 2024, 8 p.m.

Theater Neumarkt
Neumarkt 5
8001 Zürich

on abysmal desires and the shadows of female existence

in the stage play "dark spring", the 12-year-old girl imagines the mourning ceremony after her suicide: relatives and friends come together for the funeral, miss and remember her, try to understand: 
how could it have happened? who was close to her and how? who really knew her? how do we want to remember her? was her pain not felt? could her suicide have been prevented? who is to blame? or are these the wrong questions? 
between memories, anecdotes and explanations, the mother, the father, the best friends, the brother and the adored one stagger as if through a feverish dream. they enter the girl's world, the supposedly innocent childhood games, the first sexual fantasies and desires and try to reconstruct the events until the girl's creator herself appears. 
unica zürn's life was a tightrope walk between desire and the abyss. for a long time, she was considered a secret tip. her autobiographical cult novel "dark spring" from 1967 is now being rediscovered by yana eva thönnes & team in spring 2024.



Kulturstelle contact: Maide Çebi email

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